alternative route

美 [ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv ruːt]英 [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ruːt]
  • 替代路线(或航线、途径)
alternative routealternative route
  1. Study of Using Pre - configured Alternative Route in Broadband Network


  2. When traffic is bad use the alternative route .


  3. We were fortunately able to use an alternative route .


  4. They will turn off the road and try to find an alternative route .


  5. The performance improvement of the road network depends on the quality of the recommended alternative route .


  6. Though Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education has made some achievements , there are still some problems .


  7. To take an alternative route wherever possible .


  8. Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education has once been in a controversy since it appeared .


  9. Motorists are advised to find an alternative route .


  10. For safety 's sake the Emperor 's bodyguards chose an alternative route .


  11. Ever-more-available shale gas brought a cheap and reliable alternative route to domestically fuelled electricity .


  12. Comparison and Selection of Alternative Route Schemes of Binhai Avenue in Qionghai City , Hainan Province


  13. An alternative route superior from the perspective of growth would be to reduce benefit expenditure over time for the non-poor .


  14. Google illuminates an alternative route .


  15. Pyongyang already has a small stockpile of plutonium but enriched uranium can provide an alternative route to weapons grade material .


  16. The final conclusion part of the paper , limitations of the study is frankly admitted and a prospect for Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education is made .


  17. Considering the feasibility and necessity of Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education at this stage , analysis of the reasons for these phenomena deeply is the primary task .


  18. Steroid hormones & ⅱ . alternative route to the synthesis of 9 α - fluoro - corticoids


  19. The epoxidation of propylene with hydrogen peroxide using Titanium silicalite-1 ( TS-1 ) catalyst is an environmentally friendly alternative route .


  20. The big advantage of conventional publishers , and the main problem for anyone who wants to follow an alternative route , is the stranglehold of distribution .


  21. Depth analysis the specific paths of local SMEs to upgrade , this paper based on the proposed alternative route , depth analysis of various alternative paths starting from the theoretical .


  22. If the alternative route quality is not satisfying , the congested area would not be ameliorated but deteriorated and new congestion would be produced at the alternative route .


  23. The main commuting route near her home is so terrifying , she says , that she usually takes an alternative route that adds four miles to her trip .


  24. North Korea already has enough fissile material for several nuclear devices but , to date , it has used the alternative route of producing plutonium rather than highly enriched uranium .


  25. An alternative route that designers often take to impress their visitors is using so-called one-page layouts : layouts that use one single page to present the content of the website .


  26. Schroders took an alternative route , seeing a big opportunity to widen the market by offering the sort of transparent vehicles that had worked onshore from Jersey .


  27. In order to examine this reaction , an alternative route to prepare the piperidine hydroxylamines was carried out via the reactions of the nitroxides with vitamin C .


  28. Therefore , this paper takes up survey , literature and comparative methods hoping to get the latest and most real information about Alternative Route to Vocational Higher Education so as to contribute modest power to it .


  29. It could also provide an alternative route for oil out of southern Sudan , a semi-autonomous region due to vote on independence from the Khartoum regime in a referendum in 2011 .


  30. A new option to the hg add command has been added , & large , which allows a file to be specified as large ( and therefore taking this alternative route to centralised-but-cached-on-demand storage ) .
